Often it is said, it’s not the outcome, but the journey that really matters. So, here we are. Join us, and hopefully you’ll learn a few things about yourself along the way! Thanks for stopping by!

Born on March 25th, 1990. The youngest of three boys, Matt grew up with loving parents James and Renee Deulley. Up until 5 years old, he lived a pretty average childhood. Older siblings, an adventurous nature, and a curiosity about life made for an abundance of imagination and creativity. This led to the introduction of music into his life, and everything changed. James, being a guitar player himself, handed Matt a guitar, and the fire was lit. Ever since then, life has been a constant pursuit of artistic expression, which has bled into other artistic mediums. Matt plays many different instruments, and loves to take pictures, paint, sculpt, and write. All of which you are bound to encounter in the midst of this Blog sooner or later. Other than that, Matt rides motorcycles, plays video games, and more than anything, loves his wife.

Amber is a thrift-aholic, vegetarian, crazy cat lady. She is in love with Jesus and her husband, Matt. You can usually find her at her place of employment, an incredible family-owned business where she is surround by awesome people and candy all day long. She’s a nerd at heart, and would take an evening at home playing Zelda or watching Harry Potter over a fancy night out any day. She loves collecting things, particularly owls and vintage children’s books. Some of her favorite things to do are snuggling with Jackson, Goodwill shopping, walking the aisles of Target, reading, and hanging out with family. Oh, and hugging. This lady loves hugging.

Think of the coolest, most adorable, and sweetest thing you can imagine. That’s him. He’s kind of perfect. We may be biased, though. But I mean, come on! Look at that moustache! And the side-part! And all that squishy kitty belly to snuggle on.