
And sometimes my life feels like a cheesy lifetime movie...

WARNING: This is a girly, mushy, lovey dovey post. Please skip if you hate that sorta thing. I promise they won't all be like this!! Haha!


This evening, the fam all watched a silly/cheesy/awesome Christmas movie together on Netflix.

It was about impossible Christmas wishes, and this sweet little girl trying to grant them for everyone. Our niece, Serenity, was over. She's six. She was really into the movie, so she grabbed a few blank sheets of paper and a pen and took them around to each of us and asked us to write down our wishes (adorable, right!).

She trotted off with everyone's wishes into the dining room to read them all, and told us that she was going to try her hardest to grant all of our wishes!

None of us knew what any of the others wished for, so when she came back into the living room and handed me a piece of folded paper and gave me a big silly grin, then walked to Matt and did the same, I was a little confused. I thought she was giving me my wish back! But, then I opened it.
Sweetest. Thing. Ever. It read,

"I wish Amber would kiss me. -Matt"

You know what makes this even more oh-my-goodness-I'm-gonna-throw-up-you-guys cute? Guess what I wrote as my wish (which is what Serenity handed to Matt)?

"I wish Matthew would give me a big hug!"

I am so happy that I have that man, y'all. He's pretty sweet. It's a wonderful thing to be with someone who makes you feel all fuzzy like you're in high school every now and then.

Thanks for listening to my mushy story. I had to tell someone!! Do any of you have cute cheesy stories where you feel like your life is more like a movie than real? I'd love to hear them! I'm secretly a hopeless romantic.


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